Why Prp Therapy Is Used In Medicine Today?

The concept of PRP therapy comes from the ability of the body to heal itself. When the first line of defence of the body is injured, the body sends a signal which leads to platelets transfer to the injured area, promoting healing. The platelets heal the area naturally, which is the reason behind PRP treatment being so effective. 

PRP Therapy

Here’s some insight about PRP treatment therapy:

The blood contains plasma with several components like platelets for natural healing and repair of damaged tissues. Platelet rich plasma injection uses the patient’s plasma on the injured areas, such as joints. PRP therapy is an alternative to replacement surgeries and staying fit and active longer.

Also, platelet rich plasma injection does not require any anaesthesia. The doctors would take out the required amount of blood to extract the plasma, which is again injected into the body. The blood is put in a centrifugal machine to separate the platelets. The use of PRP in medicine is seen in the healing of painful areas such as shoulders, knees, ankles and so on.

Here are some reasons behind PRP treatment is so popular and how it alleviates your pain:

High-profile therapy: Platelet rich plasma injection gained popularity after athletes started using it to heal their injured areas. Many top athletes like Tiger Woods and Hines Ward have claimed that PRP therapy enables faster recovery and strengthens the ability to return to the game.

Low risk: One of the major reasons behind PRP treatment being popular is the use of no anaesthesia. Local anaesthesia might be used to avoid discomfort. There are no chances of infection or rejection by the body as it is the patient’s platelets for healing. 

Faster procedure: A platelet rich plasma injection would require only 30 minutes of your time. Hence the patients can go back to their daily activities without delay. After the injection, there might be a little swelling or soaring in the area, which would last a few days and heal itself.

Precise treatment: With the help of guided fluoroscopy or ultrasound technology, a board-certified medical professional can give the PRP injection. They would find the area of discomfort and inject it into it to promote healing and cell division. The injection can be used on hard tissues like bones and soft tissues like tendons, ligaments and discs.

Joint pain relief: PRP injections can alleviate pain in several body areas. Joint pain due to arthritis, osteoarthritis, accident or ageing is mostly relieved using PRP in medicine. Board-certified doctors and experts collaborate to give PRP injections to these patients to reduce their pain in any part of their body.

Suppose the PRP injection is directly injected into the joints of the patients. In that case, it is observed that swelling decreases, lesser pain during daily activities, and a better range of motion and in certain cases, it can also repair the damaged cartilage tissues.

Convenience: The PRP injections are made from the patient’s blood. The blood is rich in platelets that perform the function of clot formation. The platelets are made up of proteins which control and promote the growth of new cells leading to repair and recovery. PRP therapy is based on the regenerative power of the platelets that are easily available in the body itself.

Natural recovery: PRP therapy mainly consists of high concentrations of platelets, promoting the regenerative power of the cells in the area it is injected. It gives the body more repairing cells to lower inflammation and pain.

Easy procedure: PRP injections require the patients to give blood to the hospital, where they proceed further. Only two to three vials of the blood must be put in the centrifugal machine to separate the different components of the blood. The platelets are collected and concentrated on making the PRP injection. 

Many studies have shown that PRP injections have led to substantial tissue repair and relief. The first injection would not give immediate relief, but the pain would decrease. PRP injections promote the body’s healing mechanism; hence the patients see an improvement in their health conditions a few weeks after the injection and follow-up treatments. In some cases, regular injections at 2-3 months have to be given to see successful results.

In earlier times, PRP was mainly used after plastic surgery for faster healing and scar reduction. Nowadays, PRP injections are used to reduce hair loss, promote the growth of hair follicles, and reduce the area of thinning or bald spots. 

Thus, if you want to know more about PRP treatment therapy to reduce hair loss, visit PVR Aesthetica. We have a team of experienced doctors performing PRP therapy on the patients. Contact us and book your appointment.

Dr Vinod Pachade

Dr. Vinod Pachade is the founder and director of the PVR Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery Center. He is the member of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI) and also the winner of Asia Book of Records.

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