Things You Should Know Before Arm Liposuction

While dressing for pool parties, beaches, or simply wearing sleeveless dresses, the most common concern of women is the excess fat in their arms. It tends to lower their self-confidence, which impacts their overall look.

That is why arm liposuction has become one of the most popular solutions for getting rid of stubborn fat and regaining confidence.

Here, we will learn more about arm liposuction and what things to know before getting the surgery.

Arm liposuction is a popular procedure for individuals who wish to improve the appearance of their arms and increase their self-confidence. Some people desire slimmer and well-proportioned arms that complement their body shape.

While there is nothing wrong with having thick or flabby arms, many opt for arm liposuction to achieve their desired look. This procedure is considered safe and highly effective, particularly when performed by a qualified professional.

It is noteworthy that liposuction is the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedure worldwide.

It provides the desired body contouring by sucking out the excess fat from difficult body areas. The treatment can effectively be used for the parts such as the upper and lower abdomen, flanks, love handles, hips, chin, legs, arms, etc.

The arm lipo is a cosmetic surgery to remove excess fat from the arm behind the armpit. Removing the fat from the inner and outer parts of the arm provides toned arms that offer an aesthetically pleasing look.

What is arm liposuction used for?

Having unrealistic expectations will only make one disappointed with the results of any cosmetic procedure. The ultimate goal of arm lipo is to provide a proportional and contoured arm. It is vital to understand that it is not a weight loss procedure. 

Before undergoing arm liposuction, it is crucial to establish realistic expectations. Although the procedure can result in tightened skin on the upper arms, the outcomes may not be permanent.

If a patient does not maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, fat may accumulate in the upper arm region once again. It is important to note that liposuction is a body contouring technique and is not intended for weight loss purposes.

What are the types of liposuction methods?

The two most commonly used liposuction methods are Smartlipo, also called laser liposuction, and Vaser lipo. These procedures do not need general anaesthesia and can be performed under tumescent anaesthesia. Thus no major cuts are involved in these procedures.

1. Smart Lipo of arms

Smartlipo is also known as laser liposuction of the arms. It offers several benefits over traditional liposuction. Using laser energy to melt the fat helps prevent blood loss and stimulates collagen production in the skin to promote skin tightening.

Consequently, patients experience less swelling and bruising and enjoy a shorter recovery period. Moreover, Smartlipo promotes skin tightening by stimulating the arm skin with laser energy, reducing the chances of developing flabby or excess skin.

2. Vaser Lipo of arms

In Vaser liposuction, ultrasound energy is used to break down fat cells. It is done without damaging surrounding tissues. The procedure benefits skin tightening, less bruising and swelling and reduced recovery time. Hence, it is highly preferred over traditional liposuction.

What to expect during arm liposuction surgery?

Despite being a minor surgical procedure, caution should be exercised when considering arm liposuction. Only qualified physicians and board-certified plastic surgeons should perform this procedure. The surgeon will assess your health condition to determine if you are suitable for the surgery.

A skilled and experienced surgeon will examine your arms and seek your opinion on the desired outcome. As with any surgical procedure, your physician will conduct all necessary tests and physical examinations to ensure you are medically cleared for the surgery. You should be in good health without any pre-existing medical conditions.

Before starting the surgery, the physician takes pictures of the arm to compare with the result. Generally, the patient is administered local anaesthesia with oral or IV sedation. It takes around two hours to complete the process. 

After a local anaesthetic, two small incisions are made in the elbow and arm areas near the armpit. Then the cannula is inserted through the tiny incisions, and the excess fat is sucked out without damaging surrounding tissues.

Patients can return to their homes on the same day. Compression garments are required to reduce inflammation and help with skin tightening. To achieve the desired results, surgeons suggest getting lymphatic massages. 

When are the results of arm lipo visible?

The results of arm lipo are visible within three to six months after the procedure. However, you will start noticing differences in a few weeks. 

For how long should I wear the garments after the procedure?

The garments are provided to reduce swelling and help with skin shrinking. Wearing it for 6 to 8 weeks after the arm liposuction is recommended.

Does the procedure work if I have much excess skin in the arms?

Smart or Vaser lipo helps to provide tightened skin. If you still have excess skin, surgery must be performed to remove it. The surgical process of removing the skin is called Brachioplasty or arm lift.

Are the arm liposuction results permanent?

The procedure helps remove the fat cells, which never grow back. However, you can gain weight in these areas. So, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and have a proper diet and exercise to make the results long-lasting.

Dr Vinod Pachade

Dr. Vinod Pachade is the founder and director of the PVR Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery Center. He is the member of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI) and also the winner of Asia Book of Records.

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